Tuesday, December 7, 2010

John 11:25


How important of a question is this to you? To mean it means a lot, it means that their is life after death. I know that there are several people that do not believe in an afterlife. When you accept Jesus as your savior and Lord of all you are forgiven of your sins and you are reborn pure and true. There are several people who feel this way and do so in the moment then live their following days as if nothing has changed. I have been guilty of this but I am now trying to change and get to know the Lord and his scripture. I believe in a heaven and a hell and I fear for my soul. A soul is the whole being of an individual and the body is just our temple. We have to be soul saved in order to live on with the Lord. If our souls are not saved then we are already dead and we linger on in the afterlife in a trapped world. 

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