Wednesday, December 8, 2010

John 14:6


"It's my way or the highway" I hated this saying as I was growing up because it meant that I did not get what I wanted. The truth is that if we know Jesus we know God. Jesus was sent to earth as his only son. Jesus lived and died on the cross for us so that all of our sins will be forgiven because we know not what we do. I can say I am glad to be saved by Jesus and I am grateful to be getting to know him better. I have not been the greatest person on my faithfulness to the Lord but I am hoping to change all this. Last night at work I was asked if I had all my Christmas shopping done. I said that it wasn't about the gifts its about the season and that Jesus was born to guide and be an example for us. Everyone gets so wrapped up in the glittery, pretty items that they forget the biggest gift of all was that of Jesus. Do you thank God for what he has done in your life?

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