Friday, December 17, 2010

Matthew 1:20-21

If an angel appeared to you and told you that you were to be the father of a child that was conceived of the Lord what would you do? In today's day and age most men would have ran away. They feel that since the baby is not there's they have no reason to be around let alone care for that child. But in Joseph's time it was uncommon for the child to not be that father's and if an Angel of God appeared to tell you that you better believe that they obeyed. Things have changed over the centuries and people are less obident and ignore the signs that have been provided to us from the Lord. We refuse to listen to what the Lord has in store for us so we then are even more helpless when it comes to use really needing the Lord he is not there for us. As his word falls deaf on our ears our pleas fall upon his deaf ears when we are in need.

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