Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Psalm 3:3

We are only given what we can handle and even during these times we feel that it is to much for us. The Lord will always protect, comfort and support us even when it doesn't seem that he is there. I know that he has really protected me and my family especially on Christmas day. We came real close to having a house fire. One of our outlets caught on fire but it didn't go past the outlet which is pure grace. He has given me so much to be thankful for and I am blessed in every aspect of my life. Yes there are times in which we have needed more protecting than normal but he is always there to help us. When one looks down upon other it is in shame. So why look down we need to raise us those around us and tell them that they have a protector, a comforter, and a supporter no matter what stage of their walk they are in. Big, small, short or tall God loves us all.

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